5 books on Unmanned Ground Vehicles [PDF]

Updated: February 27, 2024

Books on Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) play a pivotal role in shaping the knowledge base for startups in the realm of military UGV development. These books offer comprehensive insights into the design principles, sensor integration, autonomy algorithms, and operational considerations crucial for the successful deployment of unmanned vehicles on the ground. Covering topics such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and remote sensing, these resources provide a foundational understanding of the complexities inherent in UGV technologies. By studying these texts, startups can gain a deep appreciation for the challenges associated with navigation, communication, and mission execution in military environments.

1. Uncrewed Vehicle
2022 by Fouad Sabry

"Uncrewed Vehicle" is a comprehensive exploration of vehicles devoid of human presence, encompassing both remotely controlled or guided and autonomous vehicles capable of independent sensing and navigation. The book offers valuable insights and validations on a range of topics, from uncrewed vehicles and autonomous robots to unmanned aerial vehicles, combat aerial vehicles, micro air vehicles, remote-control vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicles, and unmanned ground vehicles. Chapters delve into the history of unmanned aerial and combat aerial vehicles, as well as provide lists of unmanned aerial vehicles and applications. The book also covers autonomous logistics, the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, guidance, navigation, control, autonomous aircraft, loitering munition, and real-world examples illustrating the diverse applications of uncrewed vehicles across various fields. With 17 appendices briefly explaining 266 emerging technologies, the book offers a 360-degree understanding of uncrewed vehicle technologies. Catering to professionals, students, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and anyone seeking an in-depth understanding of uncrewed vehicles, this book goes beyond basic knowledge, answering top public questions and providing real-world examples for practical application.
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2. Robotics in the Military
2017 by Robert Snedden

While a complete robot army remains a concept, militaries worldwide are increasingly utilizing robots to minimize risks for soldiers. This book explores intriguing facts about the military's use of robots through engaging text complemented by informative fact boxes. Captivating, full-color photographs provide visual examples of the various robots employed by the military. The dynamic design and exciting narrative emphasize that delving into STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) topics can be an enjoyable and stimulating learning experience.
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3. Killer Robots: Legality and Ethicality of Autonomous Weapons
2013 by Dr Armin Krishnan

"Killer Robots: Legality and Ethicality of Autonomous Weapons" delves into the imminent introduction of military robots and potentially autonomous robotic systems, such as unmanned combat air vehicles (UCAVs) and unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), onto the battlefield. The prospect of autonomous micro- and nanorobots operating in swarms raises further considerations for future warfare. This evolving automation in warfare marks a potential historical discontinuity as humans may be progressively removed from the battlefield and even excluded from decision-making processes in high-tech and high-speed robotic warfare. While technological challenges are expected to be surmounted, the primary hurdles for automated weapons are anticipated to be legal and ethical concerns. Armin Krishnan navigates the technological, legal, and ethical landscape surrounding combat robotics, examining both the opportunities and limitations of autonomous weapons. The book also puts forth proposals for the future regulation of military robotics through international law, addressing the complex interplay of legal and ethical dimensions in this rapidly advancing field.
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4. Intelligent Unmanned Ground Vehicles: Autonomous Navigation Research at Carnegie Mellon
2012 by Martial H. Hebert, Charles E. Thorpe, Anthony Stentz

"IIntelligent Unmanned Ground Vehicles" chronicles the technological advancements and outcomes achieved by the Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute throughout the DARPA Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) project. The primary objective of this endeavor was to imbue off-road vehicles with computer-controlled unmanned driving capabilities. The book details substantial contributions in UGV mobility, encompassing tools for constructing intricate autonomous mobility systems, both on-road and off-road navigation, sensing techniques, and route planning algorithms. Beyond fundamental mobility technology, the publication explores integrated systems demonstrated in realistic field scenarios. The presented approaches are not confined to UGVs alone; they are versatile and applicable to various mobile robotics domains, ranging from automated passenger cars to planetary exploration, as well as construction and agricultural machinery. "Intelligent Unmanned Ground Vehicles" traces the program's progress from the early stages with specially-built, constrained robots to modified commercial vehicles operating in challenging environments. The book's impact extends beyond its immediate context, with technology developed in road-following, architectures, and obstacle detection serving as the foundation for Automated Highway Systems (AHS) prototypes and cross-country technology contributing to the development of planetary rovers. The architectural tools developed under this program find application in various domains, promising further research and development for practical, reliable, and cost-effective mobile robots.
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5. Technology Development for Army Unmanned Ground Vehicles
2003 by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Board on Army Science and Technology, Committee on Army Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology

The pivotal role of unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) within the Army's Objective Force structure necessitates a comprehensive examination of their applications in weapons platforms, logistics, reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition. In response to inquiries regarding the Army's UGV program, technology readiness, and implementation challenges, the National Research Council (NRC) conducted a study at the request of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and Technology. The resulting report delves into UGV operational requirements, ongoing development initiatives, and the integration of technology, outlining roadmaps for future advancements. The report also puts forth key recommendations that address technical aspects, timelines, and milestones crucial to the success of UGV efforts.
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