5 books on Missiles [PDF]

September 05, 2024

Books on missiles serve as indispensable resources for startups engaged in the development and enhancement of missile technologies. These texts cover a spectrum of crucial topics, including propulsion systems, guidance mechanisms, aerodynamics, and missile defense strategies. By delving into these comprehensive resources, startups gain a deep understanding of the intricate engineering principles and scientific foundations that underpin missile systems. Case studies and historical analyses within these books provide valuable insights into the evolution of missile technology, showcasing successes, failures, and lessons learned.

1. Optimal Guidance and Its Applications in Missiles and UAVs
2020 by Shaoming He, Chang-Hun Lee, Hyo-Sang Shin, Antonios Tsourdos

Offering a comprehensive exploration of recent advancements, "Optimal Guidance and Its Applications in Missiles and UAVs" provides a thorough overview of optimal guidance in the context of trajectory optimization. The book delves into the characteristics of various optimal guidance algorithms, weighing their advantages and disadvantages. Built upon the concept of trajectory optimization, optimal guidance minimizes a performance index while adhering to specific terminal constraints. By adeptly designing the cost function, the guidance command can serve as a desired pattern for diverse mission objectives. Readers gain insights into how optimal guidance laws can be strategically applied to achieve different mission goals for both missiles and UAVs. The book not only elucidates the physical meaning and working principles of novel optimal guidance laws but also underscores their significance in ensuring confidence, performance, and reliability when implemented in real-world aerospace engineering systems.
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2. Artillery and Missiles
2012 by Martin J. Dougherty

Over the course of history, humanity has continuously innovated in the creation of increasingly sophisticated and potent weaponry to assert dominance in the realm of warfare. The interplay of science and technology has been pivotal in shaping the landscape of weapon development, particularly in contemporary times. "Artillery and Missiles" offers a comprehensive exploration of modern artillery and missile technology, featuring an array of weapons spanning from light artillery to intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). This book provides military enthusiasts with a detailed examination, utilizing accessible illustrations, diagrams, and charts to facilitate comparisons between different models within each category of weaponry.
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3. U.S. Air Force Tactical Missiles
2008 by George Mindling, Robert Bolton

"U.S. Air Force Tactical Missiles, 1949-1969, The Pioneers" presents a captivating historical account of the pioneering era of the U.S. Air Force's first surface-to-surface tactical missiles. Focused on the winged and nuclear-capable Matador and Mace missiles, the book delves into their deployment, units, and personnel across locations such as West Germany, Taiwan, Korea, Okinawa, and the United States. This comprehensive narrative ties together the unique period of tactical missiles, encompassing the significant contributions of the Matador and Mace missiles while also providing a broader context that includes the German V-1 from World War II and traces the evolution back to the first pilot-uncontrolled aircraft flight in the United States in 1916. The book offers a profound and valuable perspective on this transformative era in military history.
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4. Missile Guidance and Control Systems
2006 by George M. Siouris

"Missile Guidance and Control Systems" addresses the expansive and multidimensional realm of Airborne Vehicle Guidance and Control Systems, a crucial area of research with applications extending beyond military defense to include industrial process control and commercial transportation networks like Global Positioning Systems (GPS). This book serves as a valuable contribution, bridging a longstanding gap in the literature. The author, a recipient of the Air Force's Outstanding Civilian Career Service Award and with a background in the Air Force Institute, offers a wealth of expertise, providing insights into this complex field that remains pivotal in contemporary technological landscapes.
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5. Automatic Control of Aircraft and Missiles
1991 by John H. Blakelock

In this updated Second Edition, "Automatic Control of Aircraft and Missiles" maintains its esteemed legacy by delving into the intricate realm of automatic control systems within aircraft and missile technologies. This edition expands and enriches the content, incorporating new materials on diverse topics. These include an exploration of the effectiveness of beta-beta feedback for achieving coordination during turns, utilizing the F-15 as the aircraft model, and a detailed root locus analysis of a generic acceleration autopilot employed in various air-to-air and surface-to-air guided missiles. The book also delves into the guidance systems of missiles such as AIM-9L Sidewinder and bank-to-turn missiles, covering aspects like proportional navigation, line-of-sight, and lead-angle command guidance. Notable additions encompass the coupling of a director fire control system output into the autopilot, analysis of multivariable control systems, and techniques for modeling the human pilot while integrating them into an aircraft flight control system. With numerous new additions to the appendices, this edition presents a comprehensive exploration of cutting-edge developments in automatic control systems for aircraft and missiles.
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