4 books on Military Firearms [PDF]

Updated: February 27, 2024

Books on military firearms are essential references for startups specializing in the development and enhancement of firearm technologies for military applications. These texts cover a comprehensive range of critical topics, including ballistics, firearm design, materials science, and innovations in small arms technology. By immersing themselves in these resources, startups can gain a deep understanding of the intricate engineering principles and operational considerations essential for effective military firearms. Historical perspectives and case studies within these books offer insights into the evolution of military firearms, showcasing successful designs, challenges faced, and the strategic implications of various approaches.

1. The Modern Weaponry of the World’s Armed Forces
2017 by Col. Y Udaya Chandar (Retd.)

"The Modern Weaponry of the World’s Armed Forces serves as a comprehensive examination of contemporary military armaments. It meticulously details around forty cutting-edge weapon systems utilized by various nations, presenting three to four weapons in each category with accompanying images, specifications, origin, and concise details about their development and design. The featured weapon systems predominantly hail from the twenty-first century or are presently undergoing development. Addressing the need for clarity on nuanced distinctions between various military technologies, such as cruise missiles versus ballistic missiles or fourth-generation versus fifth-generation jet fighters, the book offers clear explanations. The introductory section provides a brief history of military weapons, concluding with insights into the missile shields adopted by numerous countries, including India. Emphasizing the vital role of soldiers and their weapons in warfare, this invaluable book is essential reading for students of military science, offering profound insights into the significance of the gun in the hands of a soldier."
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2. Kalashnikov AK47 Series: The 7.62 x 39mm Assault Rifle in Detail
2013 by Martin J Brayley

The description provides an in-depth exploration of the Kalashnikov AK47 Series, focusing on the 7.62 x 39mm Assault Rifle. Initially accepted into service by the Soviet Army in 1947, the AK47 gained widespread recognition during the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 when Soviet troops introduced it to the West. Since then, it has become one of the most iconic firearms globally, witnessing action in numerous conflicts over the past six decades. This book delves into the original 7.62mm form of the Kalashnikov, featuring over 350 color photographs showcasing various AK variants produced worldwide, including close-ups highlighting intriguing detail differences. A valuable addition for enthusiasts interested in modern military firearms and a comprehensive resource for collectors and military historians.
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3. Submachine Guns and Assault Rifles
2010 by Andrius Genys

"Submachine Guns and Assault Rifles" serves as a comprehensive reference guide to contemporary weaponry, featuring over 50 models from 27 countries. This e-book offers a wealth of information, including photographs and essential specifications for each firearm. Designed for ease of understanding, it caters to individuals fascinated by military hardware, providing a valuable initial resource for identification and research on submachine guns and assault rifles. Packed with rock-solid information, this guide is a bargain for those seeking a reliable source on these weapons. Don't miss the opportunity to acquire this valuable resource!
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4. Firearms: A Global History to 1700
2003 by Kenneth Warren Chase

In "Firearms: A Global History to 1700," Kenneth Chase provides a comprehensive exploration of the evolution of firearms from their inception in 12th-century China to the 1700s, when European advancements placed them at the forefront. Delving into the question of why European nations excelled in perfecting firearms over their Chinese counterparts, Chase examines the global utilization of firearms. Initially confined to European and Japanese infantry and siege warfare, early firearms faced limitations in other regions due to distinct styles of warfare in the Middle East, India, and China, influenced by nomadic cultures. As better firearms later altered the dynamics, Japan's isolation left Europe unrivaled in design, production, and usage, shaping the course of history. With a background in East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Chase's meticulous research sheds light on the cultural, strategic, and geopolitical factors influencing the development and adoption of firearms across diverse societies. Currently, he is extending his historical pursuits with a focus on international trade in the Indian Ocean region during the 1300s and 1400s.
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