4 books on Demining [PDF]

Updated: February 22, 2024

Books on demining are essential references for startups dedicated to the development and implementation of demining technologies and strategies. These texts cover a wide range of critical topics, including landmine detection, clearance techniques, safety protocols, and humanitarian aspects of demining. By engaging with these resources, startups can gain a deep understanding of the technical intricacies and operational challenges associated with demining efforts. Historical perspectives and case studies within these books offer valuable insights into the evolution of demining practices, showcasing successful methods, challenges faced, and the humanitarian impact of clearing hazardous areas.

1. Design of Demining Machines
2012 by Dinko Mikulic

In the ongoing global effort to mitigate the dangers posed by landmines, the international mine action community has been dedicated to enhancing the safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of clearance methods. The deployment of demining machines has become indispensable in humanitarian demining endeavors, offering heightened safety and productivity. "Design of Demining Machines" provides an insightful exploration into the development and testing of modern demining machines within the context of humanitarian demining. The book incorporates pertinent data to elucidate the machinery employed, showcasing innovative and inspiring solutions. It discusses development technologies, companies, and projects, offering a comprehensive assessment of the impact of various design factors for the optimal selection of parameters in demining machine design. From the dynamic processes within machine assemblies to a holistic understanding of demining machines, this text serves as a valuable resource for engineers, designers, researchers, and policymakers engaged in the study and application of fundamental engineering techniques in the calculation and design of demining machines.
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2. Detection of Explosives and Landmines: Methods and Field Experience
2012 by Hiltmar Schubert, Andrey Kuznetsov

"Detection of Explosives and Landmines: Methods and Field Experience" represents the third NATO-sponsored workshop on Explosives Detection and Humanitarian Demining, following previous events in Moscow (1997) and Prague (1997). While progress has been made in applied research for Humanitarian Demining over the past decade, the immense challenges and the lack of practical detection methods for explosive devices underscore the continued significance of research in this field. The detection of explosives is crucial in counteracting terrorism, yet practical applications remain insufficiently addressed. The workshop emphasizes the urgency of an international exchange of research results to identify the most promising measures for implementation. Against the backdrop of global events, such as the tragic incidents in New York and Washington, the importance of explosive device detection technologies becomes apparent. These technologies contribute significantly to collective, family, and individual security, serving as a deterrent against terrorist threats in developed countries and enhancing security in less developed regions. The book underscores the role of explosive detection technologies in addressing the challenges posed by landmines and unexploded ordnance contamination, driving the development of new technological approaches to combat these threats effectively.
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3. Subsurface Sensing
2011 by Ahmet S. Turk, Koksal A. Hocaoglu, Alexey A. Vertiy

Offering a comprehensive exploration of buried object detection techniques, "Subsurface Sensing" equips readers with a robust understanding of the capabilities and constraints of these methods. The book delves into the theory, applications, and current technology, highlighting recent advancements in both hardware and software for sensor systems. Emphasis is placed on primary sensors like Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and supplementary sensors such as Nuclear Quadruple Resonance (NQR). Designed to cater to students, practitioners, specialists, and academics engaged in the design and deployment of buried object detection sensors, this resource serves as essential reading to stay abreast of the latest developments in the field.
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4. Anti-personnel Landmine Detection for Humanitarian Demining
2009 by Katsuhisa Furuta, Jun Ishikawa

"Anti-personnel Landmine Detection for Humanitarian Demining" addresses the critical issue of landmines affecting over 70 countries worldwide, causing an alarming annual toll of 15,000 to 20,000 deaths or injuries. Focused on technological advancements, this book reports on state-of-the-art technologies developed during a Japanese National Research Project spanning from 2002 to 2007. While the conventional method involves using metal detectors to locate mines, the challenge lies in distinguishing between anti-personnel landmines and the numerous metal fragments commonly found in minefields. The publication highlights three main approaches: enhancing metal-detection scans with ground-penetrating radar (GPR), employing robot vehicles and manipulators for remote minefield operation, and detecting explosives within mines. Results from research proposals adopted by the Japan Science and Technology Agency, including GPR, nuclear quadrupole resonance, neutron thermal analysis, and biosensors, are presented alongside their integration for effective robot operation. Field trials and evaluation data from mine action centers in Croatia, Cambodia, and Afghanistan are also included. A valuable resource for those involved in landmine removal, this book offers insights for academics in remote sensing, mechatronics, and robotics, providing a comprehensive body of work to advance their studies in this critical field.
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