5 books on Military Drone Autopilots [PDF]

Updated: June 22, 2024

Books on military drone autopilots serve as indispensable resources for startups dedicated to the development of autonomous military drones. These texts cover a comprehensive range of critical topics, including guidance and control systems, artificial intelligence, sensor integration, and real-time decision-making algorithms. By delving into these resources, startups can gain a deep understanding of the intricate engineering principles and operational considerations essential for the autonomy of military drones. Historical perspectives and case studies within these books offer valuable insights into the evolution of drone autopilot technologies, showcasing successful implementations, challenges faced, and the strategic applications of autonomous capabilities in military contexts.

1. Autonomous Navigation and Deployment of UAVs for Communication, Surveillance and Delivery
2022 by Hailong Huang, Andrey V. Savkin, Chao Huang

"Autonomous Navigation and Deployment of UAVs for Communication, Surveillance and Delivery" serves as a comprehensive and authoritative resource, addressing communication, surveillance, and delivery challenges encountered by teams of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). This work delves into the deployment of networks of UAV base stations for communication in disaster areas, tackling issues such as ground traffic monitoring, environmental disaster surveillance (e.g., brush fires), and UAV utilization in rescue missions. The book combines practical problems with computationally efficient algorithms for their solution, offering mathematically rigorous proofs of algorithm convergence and performance. Notably, the authors present a novel biologically inspired motion camouflage algorithm for covert video surveillance of moving targets by UAVs. All developed autonomous navigation and deployment algorithms are designed to be computationally efficient, easily implementable in engineering practice, and reliant on limited information about other UAVs and the environment. Topics covered include maximizing coverage and minimizing interference in UAV base station deployment, ground area and target surveillance, navigation for surveillance of moving areas and targets, and integration of UAVs with public transportation vehicles for parcel delivery. Professionals and researchers in UAV navigation and deployment, as well as those in intersecting fields, will find this resource valuable for gaining general knowledge and practical, precise, and proven algorithms applicable to diverse scenarios.
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2. The Drone Wars: Pioneers, Killing Machines, Artificial Intelligence, and the Battle for the Future
2021 by Seth J. Frantzman

In "The Drone Wars: Pioneers, Killing Machines, Artificial Intelligence, and the Battle for the Future," Seth J. Frantzman explores the impact of drones on modern warfare. From ISIS using drones in the streets of Mosul to defense companies racing to develop advanced technologies like lasers and microwave weapons, the book provides a comprehensive journey through the evolving landscape of drone warfare. Frantzman takes readers behind the scenes, detailing midnight exercises with Israel's elite drone warriors and the adoption of drone technology by the CIA in the 1990s for operations like hunting Osama bin Laden. The narrative spans from the military applications of drones, transforming battlefields in Syria, Libya, and Yemen, to the business side, with the global UAV market expected to reach $100 billion in the next decade. The book underscores the pivotal role of sophisticated drone technology in the future of warfare and security.
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3. Autonomous Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
2019 by Victor Becerra

The utilization of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is on the rise across various military and civilian applications, spanning surveillance, reconnaissance, remote sensing, target acquisition, border patrol, infrastructure monitoring, aerial imaging, industrial inspection, and emergency medical aid. While some UAVs exhibit increasingly sophisticated autonomous maneuvers, a majority still rely on remote human operation. Achieving full autonomy for UAVs necessitates substantial technological and algorithmic advancements, particularly in enhancing obstacle sensing and avoidance capabilities. This becomes particularly crucial as autonomous UAVs navigate civilian airspaces alongside other aircraft. "Autonomous Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles" seeks to consolidate the expertise of leading researchers and practitioners in the UAV field who share a common interest in autonomy. The volume addresses key challenges associated with autonomous UAV control, proposes solution methodologies, conducts analyses, and evaluates performance to contribute to the ongoing advancements in this rapidly evolving domain.
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4. Introduction to UAV Systems
2012 by Paul G. Fahlstrom, Thomas J. Gleason

The last decade has witnessed widespread adoption of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the military, propelling efforts to integrate these aircraft into non-military applications. In its 4th edition, "Introduction to UAV Systems" offers a thorough introduction to the complete Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS). Covering aspects such as the air vehicle, mission planning and control, various mission payloads, data links, and their impact on mission performance, as well as launch and recovery concepts, this book serves as a comprehensive resource. Designed to encourage further learning for students, provide specialists with a foundational understanding of technical issues across the system, and assist program managers in grasping system-level tradeoffs and asking pertinent questions, the text emphasizes the integration of UAS elements and the underlying concepts of key subsystems. With practical insights drawn from lessons learned in UAV programs, this edition caters to both newcomers and experienced members of the UAV community, making it a valuable resource for introductory courses, in-depth technology-focused classes, and professionals in engineering, research, management, and consultancy within the UAV systems realm.
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5. Advances in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: State of the Art and the Road to Autonomy
2008 by Kimon P. Valavanis

The growth of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in both military and civilian applications has been unprecedented. This book, "Advances in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: State of the Art and the Road to Autonomy," explores the evolution of UAVs, encompassing fixed-wing aircraft, rotary-wing vehicles, and vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) unmanned vehicles. Widely used for tasks such as surveillance, reconnaissance, mapping, border patrol, homeland security, search and rescue, and agricultural imaging, UAVs have become integral in diverse domains. Initially met with skepticism during World War I for their perceived unreliability, UAVs have now become a thriving industry with a projected market value exceeding $16 billion, with significant funding from the US Department of Defense. This book provides insights into the history, current state, and the path toward autonomy for UAVs, offering a comprehensive overview of their applications and impact on military and civilian landscapes.
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